
Ilford HP5+ @ 400

Shot on a Nikon Nikomat FT, leaks are fixed but the metering still isn't great.

Developed in Rodinal (1:25) for 8:00.

Stopped in Ilfostop for 1:00.

Fixed in Tetenal Super Fix + 1:00+4:00 standing.

A black and white photo of a pigeon. A black and white photo of Roman numerals from 16 to 22 carved into a wall under a bridge. A black and white photo of a ship's rigging. A black and white photo of the masts of two ships. A black and white photo of two people walking through an arch. They are framed by a white semi-circle caused by a kink in the film. A black and white photo of two people walking through the streets, surrounded on all sides by towering office buildings.