The SOFA List
Last updated: 2024-07-24
- This list (2023-08-26)
- A script to convert Obsidian notes to HTML partials for the
website (2023-08-26)
- The next issue of my music zine, GOOD TRACKZ HANNAH
LIKEZ (2023-08-29)
- The Center yoga plan from Yoga with Adriene (2023-08-29)
- My digital garden (2023-08-31)
- A dream journal (2023-09-02)
- Learning French (again (for real this time))
- Started bouldering again (2023-10-14)
- Joined a leftist reading group (2023-10-15)
- To-read list (2023-10-18)
- Started writing a music player in LOVE/Lua
- Revising all of HD-DN and fixing all the annoying bits (2024-07-24)
- The stop saying list (2024-08-08)
What is this?
I was inspired by the SOFA Club to make a list of shit I've started. This will hold
- what I started
- when I started it
- a link if anything comes out of it
- and nothing else!
Hopefully it'll all roughly be in chronological order.
Some things might have a published work come out of them —
some might not! That's fine! The point is: start often,
fuck achievements!